Equine Rehabilitation
How to book
Please use the form below to book in horses for rehabilitation sessions. For more than one horse please choose 'Book another horse' on Step 3 of the booking process.
Once your booking is complete we will email a form requesting information about the horse/s details. This is required prior to any treatment session.
First visit?
If this is your first time using the Rehabilitation or Therapy services at Chedington Equestrian, please download the ‘Vet Referral Form’ below. Please complete the form (an editable pdf) and email back to equestrian@chedington.co.uk.
Regular appts / Live-in rehab
We can arrange a schedule of treatment for horses where appropriate and can provide longer term live-in rehabilitation programmes with a veterinary referral. Please contact Emily Clunes to book at equestrian@chedington.co.uk.

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We regret that our Rehabilitation Centre is temporarily closed.